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MAGIP News Blog

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  • 04/19/2024 9:00 AM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

    MAGIP Membership,

    Please consider this Call for Nominations for the MAGIP (Montana Association of GIS Professionals). Last Chance to Volunteer! If you are interested in volunteering for our group, please do so by Monday, April 22, 2024.

    We currently have four positions open:

    • Vice President
    • Web Administrator

    And, two At-Large positions which would fill the Committee Chair positions of:
    • Members Development Committee
    • Conference Liaison Committee

    You can nominate yourself or someone else, but the nominee must be a member in good standing to qualify. I would strongly encourage you to get permission from the nominee’s employer before submitting a nomination. 

    Nominations can be submitted using this survey. Nominations are due Monday, April 22, 2024

    Please contact current board members or the election committee (Mike PowellMeghan Burns) if you have any questions.
    See the Election page and the Board of Directors page on the MAGIP website for more information.

    On behalf of the MAGIP Election Subcommittee, thank you for your consideration. 

    Mike Powell, Past President

  • 02/15/2024 2:06 PM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

    New resource just added to the Training Resources page!

    The Bootcamp GIS Enterprise GIS Certificate / Career Services Program was added to the Montana Eligible Training Provider List. This allows any low-income individual to qualify for FREE tuition to enroll in the GIS Certificate program. They are an Esri Business Partner, but you can view the entire Course Catalog to see the Esri and non-Esri tech stack and problems they address. The majority of classes would be useful for most people already using GIS but missing enterprise skills.

    Bootcamp is taught by SMEs from around the country.  There could be a invitation for someone with a compelling project to enter our instructor cadre.

  • 02/08/2024 7:30 AM | Meghan Burns (Administrator)

    MAGIP is now accepting applications for the 2024 MAGIP Higher Education GIS Scholarships and the MAGIP Van Shelhamer Memorial K-12 Education Grants!

    Applications are due March 25, 2024

    Contact the Scholarship and Grants Committee Chair for more information

  • 02/06/2024 2:53 PM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

    Registration is Now Open for the 2024 Big Sky GeoCon! This year’s conference will once again feature a robust two days of hands-on workshops, two days of consecutive sessions, a map/poster gallery, exhibitor showcase and social reception, a keynote luncheon and awards dinner. Please see the conference webpage for more information.

  • 02/01/2024 1:31 PM | Hilary Kauth (Administrator)

    Powerlines pose difficulties to various agencies regarding land management, safety, and communication. MAGIP would like to see how the GIS community could use this data in our new mapping contest. Build a unique map, application, or dashboard with a creative or informative story that used the powerline data collected during GIS Day combined with any other datasets. The maps will be judged and displayed during the Big Sky GeoCon in Billings. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Download the mapathon and homeland security data to get started. Have your map or link submitted to by April 13th.

  • 01/24/2024 2:51 PM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

    The Montana Association of Geographic Professionals (MAGIP) biannually presents two awards. The Distinguished Service Award is presented for long-term service and leadership to the Montana GIS community and the GIS profession. The GIS Professional Livability Award recognizes an individual's measurable contribution to the application of GIS, thus improving the quality of life within their community.

    The awards will be presented at the Big Sky GeoCon dinner on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 in Billings.

    Click Here to submit your nomination! 

    The deadline for submission is February 29, 2024.

    If you plan to submit multiple nominations, please create a separate submission for each. Each nomination requires a one-page letter of nomination, two references who also support the nomination, and any supporting documentation.

    On behalf of MAGIP Awards Committee, we look forward to hearing from you!

    Applicants for the Distinguished Service Award must: 

    • Have substantial years of service (10+) in or supporting the Montana GIS Community and a desire to continue to serve
    • Displays exemplary accomplishments as a GIS Professional, selfless service to the profession and participation in committees, workgroups, and organizations that support the Montana geospatial community
    • Has an impact within and / or external to the realm of the member's workplace
    • Undertakes and leads activities that benefit the GIS Community outside of regular job responsibilities
    • Demonstrates initiative, resourcefulness and creativity and is willing to seek out and pursue new challenges that benefit the Montana GIS Profession
    • Acknowledged by his / her peers for leadership and substantial service to the profession and community

    Applicants for the Livability Award must:

    • Demonstrate a measurable contribution to the education, communication, coordination, and application of GIS technologies that have been a major influence to the growth and use of GIS in creating a more livable community
    • Express exemplary dedication with focus to the development and implementation of GIS technologies which enhance individual and community life and promote the efficient use of community resources
    • Acknowledged by his \ her peers for perseverance with belief and purpose; tasking themselves with the growth, as well as the challenges of GIS development for them and for their neighbor...sometimes in the face of discouragement

    Questions? Contact Erich Schreier, 2024 Conference Liaison

  • 11/15/2023 4:00 PM | Hilary Kauth (Administrator)

    To celebrate GIS Day, MAGIP is hosting a one-day Mapathon event for volunteers to collaborate on data collection in Montana. Volunteers will focus on creating a statewide publicly available power line feature class by filling in gaps in the OpenStreetMaps dataset. Event locations include Helena, Bozeman, Missoula and Billings. Find more information and RSVP here.

  • 05/17/2023 9:41 AM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

    Congratulations to the following MAGIP Members on winning the 2023 Board Member Election:

    Vice President - Gail Jorgenson, City of Bozeman

    Treasurer - Nate Wold, DNRC

    Secretary - Hilary Kauth, Department of Military Affairs

    Technical Committee Chair - Tessa Switzer, City of Great Falls 

    Scholarship & Grants Committee Chair - Rob Ahl, USDA

    The proposed amendments to MAGIP’s Bylaws in Article II & Article III, PASSED with 87% of the respondents voting 'For', 9.1% voting to 'Abstain' and 3.9% voting 'Against' the changes.

    The proposed amendments to MAGIP's Constitution in Article IV, PASSED with 88.3% of the respondents voting 'For', 9.1% voting to 'Abstain' and 2.6% voting 'Against' the changes. 

    Thank you to everyone who ran for the various positions and for your dedication to MAGIP.

    And a special thank you to the out-going Board members, Jeff Hedstrom, Jason Danielson and Aaron Vaughn, for your time, dedication and commitment to making MAGIP a great organization to be a part of.

  • 04/27/2023 8:56 AM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

    The MAGIP Elections Committee is pleased to announced that the Election is now open!

    The 2023 MAGIP Board of Directors Election is now open now and will remain open until May 12 at 5pm.  If your MAGIP membership is up to date, you should have received your e-mail ballot this morning, April 27. The ballot was sent using Wild Apricot (the email may appear to be sent from and is unique to each MAGIP Member. If you are a MAGIP Member and you did not receive a ballot, please check your spam and junk folders, and then contact us to have one sent to you.

    If you want to become a MAGIP Member and participate in the election, please go to the MAGIP Membership page to join.  It may take one or two business days for us to send you your ballot after you join.  

     Please see the MAGIP 2023 Election page for more information and a list of the candidates with the bios and photos.

    On behalf of MAGIP and the Elections Committee, we thank you for your vote.

    Jeff Hedstrom, MAGIP Past President

    Mike Powell, MAGIP President

    Meghan Burns, MAGIP Web Subcommittee Chair

  • 04/24/2023 12:35 PM | Jeff Hedstrom (Administrator)

    The MAGIP Elections Committee is pleased to announced information about the upcoming election!

    The board is proposing revisions to MAGIP’s Bylaws, Article II & Article III and amendments to MAGIP’s Constitution, Article IV. Please review the specific changes to the respective articles in the above links.

    The elections for both the new board members and the proposed Bylaw and Constitution amendments will open April 27 and will close May 12.

    Meet the Nominees for the open board positions.

    Vice President - Elected to three (3) year term (Vice President, President, Past President)

    Gail Jorgenson, City of Bozeman

    Treasurer - Elected to two (2) year term

    Nate Wold, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

    Secretary - Elected to two (2) year term

    Hilary Kauth, Department of Military Affairs

    Katie Shank, Guidewire Software

    Technical Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term

    Tessa Switzer, City of Great Falls

    Scholarship & Grants Committee Chair - Elected to two (2) year term

    Rob Ahl, USDA Forest Service

    Craig Threlkeld, DJ&A P.C.


    For Photos and Bios of each of the Candidates visit: 

    Election Page

    If you have any questions about the upcoming election or proposed Bylaws & Constitution amendments please reach out to the Election Committee: Jeff HedstromMike Powell or Meghan Burns for more information.

    Additional information on the elections, current Governing documents, and the Board can be found at the following link.

    On behalf of MAGIP and the Elections Committee, we thank you for your consideration.


    Jeff Hedstrom, MAGIP Past President

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